Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Longbean baskets with minced pork

I always like simple home-cook food, it is fast and easy. That day first time read from Angeleyes - Food Notes blog on this dish. Immediately the weekend I bought back some long beans and cooked it yesterday. This food blog having lots of simple cook dishes. If you want to try out some quicky home-cook food on weekends, you can check out more there.

It is again simple, taste good and nice. Sometimes a simple dish can turn out to be very presentable. Now, lets see how I perform on this dish. I did not follow exactly, the ingredients I minus salted fish and chili padi. For the sauce part, I added in some tau-chu and garlic.

Here are the steps,
  1. Slice the meat, marinated it with salt, pepper, corn flour and soya sauce, optional you can add in oyster sauce too.
  2. Chop it to fine become minced pork.
  3. Boil the long beans till it become soft. For 2 persons, I make 8 pcs only.
  4. Wave all the long beans.
  5. Stuff the meat in the middle.
  6. Heat the wok with some oil, fried the meat part top and bottom.
  7. Cook the sauce - fried garlic with tau-chu, add water, corn flour and pepper to taste.
  8. Pour all baskets in and slow cook a while.
For more details on how to wave the long beans and detail cooking steps, you can refer here. When it cooked, there is some meat falling off from the basket. May be I didn't mend the meats well on top of the basket. There is some leftover minced meat and long beans. I will go for longbeans rice, also inspired from the same food blog. Stay tune! For this round, this is how I did.
Wave the long beans

Minced meat stuff into the basket

It is cooked!


Mumsgather said...

Hi. I came here from Annie Q's blog. I must try this one day. It looks too good to eat. Hahaha.

bokjae said...

Waah I can see your passion and you really put so much in preparing your food! hemm! It looks good and am sure taste good too! I'll cook this for rock one day!

WAHM said...

I'm so impressed! Looks so pro leh!

Anonymous said...

Hey Judy!

That was really good for a 1st timer! Hope you enjoy more of m simple recipes!

LHS said...

wah...this is nice and yummy looking. i like the way you waved the long bean..sounds creative.

btw, a tag for you.

L'abeille said...

Looks yummy, will try to make it during the weekends..