
Finally I got the "I'm Not A Plastic bag" from eBay bid. This the cheapest non-authentic bag I can get which almost same like original. It takes me sometime to decide whether want to buy a real or fake. After reading this
review on how to check the real and fake bag, I know I shouldn't go for an authentic one. Sellers on eBay who having the real one is at least making 6 times or more profits, which the original price at US only $15 per bag. Also, couldn't tell it is real or fake based on picture only. They might end up sending a fake one too. So I might as well not take the big risk, buy one almost the same to play play la...
Some real bag seller couldn't stand the fake bag seller and they keep on coming out some reviews and complain how the fake bag seller cheat and ask the buyer not to buy from them (even mention which seller). Some huge fake bag seller force to close shop too. After I browse detail on all from eBay (even on eBay.my) and some shopping website, I can tell that 99% Anya Hindmarch "I'm Not A Plastic bag" selling is fake one. This bag really rock the fashion market. I even found the
wholesaler, once this ad pop up in my Google adsense. They are selling this bag on bulk for each $7.99 only, made in Beijing, China. They specially make all branded things into imitation. There are many thousands of product produced from them with low low price, quality don't know la.... you can check yourself. Some eBay seller is buying from them too, based on the product picture they post.
Finally I decided to buy from
this seller in Hong Kong. He is selling a fake bag which almost looks like an authentic one with reasonable price and shipping fee. After many round checking on his profile and read comments leave by buyers, I know buying from him probably will not leaving any good experience too, dare to take the risk >:) I got back a little bit confidence after I email and ask the buyers who deal with him before and they have make assurance to me. After that only I take the bid.

From the
item description and picture, he claimed that he is selling a 100% authentic bag (everyone say so, even they sell a fake one) with copy of original receipt, which it shows he has bought 2 pcs from Anya Hindmarch Store in HK. Yes, I can believe all is real one. For the sake of buying it to take a photo to show the world maybe. In actual in his store he is selling don't how many bags and now you call tell is he still selling the real bag? Photocopy of receipt and send together with the fake bag is what he does. He don't even bother to reply any emails on asking about the bag and also not leaving any comment to buyers.
He putting all his bags for bid with a price starting at $14.99. I didn't play on the bid amount, just wait till it almost elapse on bidding time, enter the same price as it is and I won it. After I won the bid and email him, I still need to wait for like 3 days only get his first reply on how to make payment. Sounds not keen to deal business or business too good? not sure la...After one week communication on payment and confirmed he got the money, finally he shipped out my bag. I got it for $39.99 including shipping fee. Please don't try to convert it into MYR, I know it is pretty expensive for a fake bag. Since, I'm paying it with my earning in Paypal and within my USD budget. When I got this bag on hand, I still satisfied la...
I continue to check on the same bags on eBay, see hows the trend moving on. Those fake quality like mine is still available but all are higher price. What I found is, there are many "I'm Not.." is coming up. Just see yourself what is that.
This is worst!

(I think this is created by someone who hates A.H. bag)
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