I didn't consult his paed immediately. My experience with it was drinking herbal tea to cool down the body heat (which actually is not related to body heat at all!) and clean it with chrysanthemum tea. Since the boy never allow me to touch it, so I boiled Loh Hon Gou drink for him and the next day Chrysanthemum tea. The stye not really go small, instead after a loud cry and some rub on his eyes yesterday, the syte got more red and swollen.
So I'm not sure what to do next, today I brought him to paed after his school. Only know by then it was stye. He explained to me how it cause and advised me what I can do. The simple way to do was apply hot/warm towel on the stye eye for 5 minutes (2 times daily) then put on the cream, on 2 days or 2 weeks (it depends), it will bursts or drain on its own. Or, if can, may squeeze it out and it will be clear and recover fast. I don't really like latter way as it may hurt his eyeball. Doctor also advised that, if serious when it grows bigger, it may need to be removed surgically at eye specialist center, put him to sleep and clear it out which can cost a whopping of RM4k!
Back home, Terry never allow me to do that even during his nap. I've been disturbing his nap time at 2pm by clean and check the infected area. He continued his nap at 5.30pm. I tried to do my best to apply hot towel to speed rupture of the stye and aid in the relief of symptoms to allow it drain on its own.
Finger cross it is just a minor one and gone by its own. He got a big small eye now.
@ 3 years, 10 months, 1 week & 4 days old
Height: 105cm
Weight: 16.7kg
Did you read about Shireen's baby, Cassandra? She just had a surgery.....
poor terry. hope the stye would burst so he need not go for a daycare surgery. i think the paed is pulling your leg. it cost abt rm2k for the surgery. ashley had one it was around 1.2k and shireen's cassandra's cost 2k.
Oh dear..I hope it goes away by itself. I can imagine how difficult it is to treat Terry's eye coz Gwen doesn't allow me to even put eye drops on her.
Oh dear... poor boy terry.. it scares me to see the pic.. so close up!!! hope it will go away without the need of surgery..
last time my mother would tie a black thread round my finger.. which one i forgot.. :) anyway, not to believe la.. hope your little boy has recovered by now..
It doesn't look very inflamed, only a small bump. Hope it will go away on its own real soon. Poor Terry, it must be very uncomfortable for him...
about 2 mths ago, i also had a sty in my eye. Same thing, i went to doctor and they gave a cream like gel. U just have to wait for it to 'burst' and drain the infection away.
terry, get well soon! xoxo
i know the stress about putting eye gel on kids eye. The last time i tried to put on the gel my neighbour treatened to report me to child abuse cos he was shouting so loud. get well soon terry
take care..n drink lots of water.
Oh... I had it last year, it just like a pain on the butt... it blurred my vision at some point. Luckily it recovered after I consulted a doc and applied CMC eye drop and ointment... it took me approximately a week+ to recover!
Pity you and your boy Terry, all the best to you!
Wow ... I didn't know that it cost that much to do the surgery. Normally it will just recover itself ..... hopefully Terry will recover soon coz the surgery sounds scary (have to put him to sleep and things like that). Fingers crossed!!!!
Hope the bump will burst fast. Have you heard of ppl tying a black string on the finger, old ppl would try this matter to help it heals fast.
How come kids get this so often these days? Heard a few cases from bloggers. Hope Terry gives u full cooperation when u apply the cream n it'll burst on its own.
i hope terry is ok now!
sigh, hope he is ok de
Oh dear, I hope the eye stye gets smaller. Please monitor it very very closely. Baby had one recently. We waited and waited but it didn't go smaller, instead pus grew inside. My mil actually used warm water with salt to wash it but it grew redder and bigger!
Baby's surgery only cost RM2k. You can consult Dr Choong at ISEC, Mid Valley. He is a very good ophthalmologist.
Keep us posted on his eye. Take Care.
When YX had that bump on his eye, the doc also gave him that cream to apply and advise us to use warm towel to cover his eye. But he just refuse.
my sons is 1 year and 10 months old he has a stye for almost a month the oinment did not work for him...it just gets his eyelid red...but today just warm compress his stye is smaller now
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