Last week, doc giving us green light to shower him. After more than a month long, he back to the bathroom again. He cried badly for it, I not able to hold him and shower him. Whenever bath time and rubbing time is the terrible time for him with those ointments need apply right after it.
He can sleep tightly at night and nap back to 1 time for 2.5 hours. For his food intake, after the long night sleep the first bottle of milk will be around 6.30am-7am (sometime earlier). Later in the around 9am+ after he wakes, we will give him a hot bowl like meehoon, kueh teow or mee suah soup. He super loves that. Sometime he wants snack right after his proper meal and that we will give bread or biscuit. Lunch time normally will be his nap time, wake up from nap take a bottle of milk and dinner around 6.30pm-7pm. Since after discharged, he does not like to eat porridge anymore, he wants rice. There starts his fully solid meal on rice+soup. We make all soups that suitable for his lungs recovery and on those for more protein like beans. So far, he eats well on that and able to finish what we given, sometimes he even wants more.
We still stroll him down to the park and playground area, knowing that he not able to walk a far distance yet. We put him on the slide too few days ago and need much support to play it. Many eyes were look on him, on his hand and some might think that why a big boy still sit on stroller. Especially those mummies and joggers that used to saw him around before accident happen. Yeah, that cause some uncomfortable to me, but I just ignore their sight and concentrate on Terry.
If only the back wound recover it will be easier for him to move around. It still need a month more for fully recover. The wound is the complicated part now, as it grows a very thick layer of dead cell there and according the doc he needs to do something to it today, to peel it off or to burn it off. I still don’t know how he goes about it yet as the previous medicine been told that it will eat up the dead cell. It doesn’t seem work much on it.
May be we fix a safety door gate between the kitchen now is kind of late thing to do after incident happen, but it is still better to put one to prevent any other accident happen to the small one. We bought the Sweet Cherry door gate from Carrefour. After we look around for the gate and its extension, we choose that as it is durable, nice and of cause cheaper too (RM140).
glad to hear that he is back to normal..:)
so happy to hear that Terry is back to normal. :)
Glad that he's healing so fast... must be thanks to all the love by you and the whole family!
so happy and relief to know that Terry is back to his old self... The worse is over and the good thing is ahead of you all...
good to hear that! hope he is a happy boy again~
children get over it faster than we expected..
I m so happy to hear that Terry is on the recovering mode and back to his usual self.
U take care also ya..
Very very happy to hear that he is back to himself!!! Which also means that mummy can live normally again too, with less worries and fear :) All the best yaa!
So you manage to find the gate in Carrefour hor? Good thing now that Terry is back to normal.
glad to hear that he is back to normal..:)and he eat a lot
after this incident, I no more cooking when hubby not around even boiling water. it really scared
it's really good to hear that terry is back to his ownself, i'm really happy
good to hear his progress :-) hope he will fully recover real soon ya... your post reminds me that I should get one door gate too!
Hi Judy - Sounds like Terry is getting back on his feet again :) Wow, he loves mee suah and koay teow soup for breakfast?
Hmm...looks like I should try that for Lucas too since they are both little Chinaman LOL
You're very strong to ignore the looks other folks give you. I can't stand folks who stare (they don't realize they are very rude!) As long as it doesn't affect Terry, it's ok lor.
Do you know what I do to people who stare? I just stare back exactly the same way! In psychology, this technique is called "mirroring". LOL, it makes people realize how awful they look :P
Take Terry's back recovery one step at a time. Just like other parts, we just have to wait for the external dead cells to fall off before new skin can emerge.
Good on you for getting the gate! My kitchen has sliding doors but my rule to Lucas has always been, "GO OUT!" Kitchen is strictly a NO ENTRY zone for him.
That's really good news. At this rate, he'll be back as b4 in no time.
Good to know Terry is back to his ownself!
Good to read abt him recovering back to normal. take care!
Really happy that your handsome Terry boy is back to his ownself. Thank God and hopefully he'll recover 100% physically and mentally asap. God bless...
Hi Judy, am really sorry to find out abt Terry's accident. Time will heal all the wounds and Terry will be 100% back to himself in no time. He is a very strong boy and with the loves being poured in, he will be fine. Luckily its only on his body, and not his face or eyes. And he is a boy, so its alright. My bro was burned with hot water too when he was few mths old on his chest and thigh although not as bad as Terry. he still got a wife..hehe
I understand ur suffers as a mom and will keep on praying for Terry. God bless all of you and continue to give u and ur family the courage, patience, support.
take care of yourself too.
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