When teacher ask everybody go toilet, he don’t want to go even he got urge. On Thursday, he even keeps the pee till back home since morning. So now every morning, I will lead him to toilet once we reach and when school ends, ask him go toilet again before back home. He able to do it when I’m there watching it. I think he scared to go. I believe some other students also not go toilet during the school hours, as what I observed during the first 2 days not many kids in his class can go toilet all by themselves, for sure they keep till back home. They are just still very new to the environment, some not even like to answer back to teacher when asking and everything also say don’t want, just like my boy. So far Terry not ever wet his pant, but for sure it is not good for them to keep the pee for 3 hours at school.
Next week, I will suggest to teacher that they should lead every of them must go to toilet one by one and thereafter wash their hand too. Just by plainly asking, many still afraid, shy or don’t want to go for it. If everybody is doing it then it will be different. I hope my opinion will get accept by them and works well later.
Here briefly share with you what is the procedures have in this school. Monthly fee RM290, December month school holiday no need to pay. No school uniform here, dress code is shorts/pant with shirt and show/sneakers, as long as no singlet and slipper. Every day in his school bag, need to pack 1 or 2 sets of clean clothes and 1 clean handkerchief pack in a plastic bag and 500ml water store in a transparent bottle. So far, Terry can only finish half down of his 420ml water. I don't find they need to bring any stationery or activity books for his age. I think this is good, less things to take care since they still young. They will have a simple snack time at 10.15am for 15 min, given bread only (can have more than 1 if you want more) with plain water. Parents/guardians are advised to collect your children on time. Late of half an hour (or less will all adjust to 1/2 hour) will need to pay extra of RM5 charge.
Every Friday, they will bring back a weekly progress report and those activity worksheets they've done on the entire week. This is the 1st weekly report.

My first reaction after reading this was a LOL! I find it too cute for those colouring works he done. I even guide him to re-do the colouring and tracing again. I'm not going to trash all his kindy days work during year end will get a file to keep it nicely for him to see in future.
it's a fantastic decision to enrol him in preschool, looks like he is really coping well and i am sure mummy is happy too :) pictures of his colourings are so cute... i feel pretty touched seeing those, shows that terry is independent and can cope well with others ;)
That's great..Terry is coping very well. Bravo! His colouring will improve in no time. :D He is doing great. Keep it up.
Wah..Terry can tahan his pee for so long..if Gwen sure will wet her panties..haha.
I actually love his artwork :D SO original and it's priceless too :)
Bravo Terry Boy.....
Glad that he enjoys school and have no problem seeing you go...that's important. But tahan pee for 3 hrs is really no good.
I am so proud of him and seeing his school work, make me realise that he is such a big boy already.
Yes you have given a very good idea for teacher. My girl's kindy will bring whole class student to toilet about 2 times in the morning. Overall he done very well, but the wee2 need some time for him.
Wow it's great that they provide weekly reports and return the child's work to you to keep. Great idea!
Sounds like a very good kindy, very reasonable school fees too. I like the weekly report given to parents. So far I still dunno what C learns in school. Every time I ask her, she'll say "don't know". Cham mou??
wow...consider very good already the coloring ler...must be a proud mummy!
Kindie very good to provide the weekly report.
My boy wet his pants twice when I first sent him to kindie last year. Poor boy...wonder he tahan how long only he release out. Luckily now he got no prob with school.
I agree with you. The teacher should instill good toilet training. Have a specific time and have all the kids go to the washroom. If cant jaga all at one go, at least take a few at one go etc.. Holding his pee for so many hours is unhealthy. :(
It's great that they hv a weekly report. At least u know wat they learn/do in sch. Hope to "peeing" issue will be resolved soon. Not good to tahan for so long.
Hi , May i know which school that you send Terry to ...I m helping my sister to look for pre-school for her little girl which turning to 2 years old next year.....
Pls send to my email : kelly_ylteoh@hotmail.com
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